
lunedì 30 settembre 2013

30.09.2013 - JOYLESS JOKERS intervistati su Radio Scintilla!!!!

Evento Facebook:

Questa sera, ospiti di Heavy Metal Universe (Radio Scintilla) ci saranno i JOYLESS JOKERS! La diretta è prevista per le ore 20.30 e potrete ascoltare l'intervista al seguente indirizzo web:

Grazie DJMet & Den

PERCEVERANCE - "The Dark Mechanism" recensito su Eraskor

Perceverance – The Dark Mechanism (Autoprodotto 2013)


Perceverance, in principio Steelchains, sono una band savonese che mescola energicamente speed e thrash metal dei bei tempi che furono. Formatisi nel 2008 per volere di Michele “Met” Alluigi (chitarra, voce) e Stefano Sai (basso), tra molteplici cambi in line up susseguitisi negl’anni e un solo demo datato 2011, giungono finalmente alla registrazione di The Dark Mechanism.
La loro musica spinge parecchio rendendosi immediata e adrenalitica, la band attinge sia dalla scena americana che tedesca: Testament, Exodus, Metallica, Megadeth, Annihilator, Destruction, Kreator per capirci. 10 falciate dalle ritmiche forsennate e di facile assimilazione,  incisive e spaccaossa con ottimi assoli guidati dalla granitica voce di Met.
Un lavoro che regala piacere mentale riportando l’ascoltatore alle origini di questo genere intramontabile, consigliato in primis ai nostalgici degl’anni ottanta e successivamente a chi ha voglia di scoprire qual è stata la vera musica estrema del passato.
Si parte con il piede giusto!

VOTO: 75 / 100

1.    Prepotence
2.    Hate Bringer
3.    Trapped in a Corner
4.    Mentally Dead
5.    Purity
6.    Speed That Kills
7.    Into the Void
8.    Persistence in Time
9.    Cronos
10.    The Dark

Line Up:
•    Met – chitarra, voce
•    Andre – batteria
•    Kri – basso
•    Seib – chitarra

•    Persistence in Time  (demo 2011)




(A cura di Ermanno Martignano)


Signs Preyer "Killer Instinct", Joyless Jokers "Point Of No Return" & Perceverance "Purity" - verranno trasmessi oggi su Black Night, programma Rock & Metal ascoltabile in streaming tutti i giorni dalle 15.00 alle 17.00 su - Grazie DJ BLACK PRIEST!! You Rock \m/ - NON MANCATE!!!!!!

giovedì 26 settembre 2013


" Ciao ragazzi!!!!!!!!

Non siamo spariti, stiamo componendo il nuovo album!!!!! E' da un pò che non suoniamo in giro ma vi assicuro che la cosa migliore è proporre buone canzoni. Appena possibile suoneremo nei dintorni in qualche situazione che ci permetta di esprimerci al meglio. se succederà sarete i primi a saperlo!!!!!!!!

Nel frattempo attendiamo insieme... la pubblicazione del video di I'LL WATCH YOU DIE, molti non vedono l'ora di vederlo... ancora un pò di pazienza... vedrete che l'attesa rende tutto molto speciale... posso solo dirvi che sta venendo veramente bene... ci vedrete in una veste inedita!!!!!

Ciao!!!!!!!!!!! "

Joyless Jokers official band page:

Info & Booking:

lunedì 23 settembre 2013

THE MEATFUCKERS interviewed on Behind The Veil (GR)


Genre: Black thrash metal
1. First of all I’d like you to fill us in on what’s happening in the THE MEATFUCKERS camp at the moment.

Thanks for this interview! As we speak, we are finishing the latest details for our second album (final texts on the CD insert, defining dates with our recording company of its pressing), defining the new merchandising, plus REX LUCIFER besides singing now is also playing the guitar!

2. Please point out the most important moments and experiences you’ve had with the band thus far, be them good or bad.

For sure some highlights are: playing live!, our first gig, recording both albums, the new friends we have made along the way, signing with Music Solutions Agency  and having now new blood in the band.
The lowlights are when the original drummer and lead guitarist decided to leave the group as well not being able to perform one show in Texas for beaurocratic reasons…

3. Can you present “Gangbang from Hell?” to our readers in a few words? Which are the album’s highlights and which its weak moments or elements, according to you?

Well, “Gangbang from Hell” marks the debut of THE MEATFUCKERS into the metal scene, so it’s a raw album where we tried to go back to thrash metal roots but adding some melodies to the music, so at the end, hopefully, the listener may have some of those melodies inside his head and want to hear us again.
It’s really hard to judge your own work, since we want each song and album to be perfect. So for us the whole album is very special but if had to pick, for sure  “Childsodomy” and “Pornorama” are the highlights. In the case of weakness, it could be the production, it wasn’t as we wanted it to be.

4. “Gangbang from Hell” was first released in 2011, so have you written any new songs in the meantime? When are you thinking to release your second work?

Yes! We have already recorded 9 new songs, the new title is “Porn Again”. At this moment we are now focusing on the artwork and defining with our record company how and when the new album will be released. We are very excited about it. We hope to release it in October/November. Hopefully by then we can have new interview to talk about it.

5. What do you believe you can offer to the metal scene? Why should the metal heads check you out?

That’s kind of tricky question… we don’t think we are carrying any special flag or anything like that. We just play the music we like and are very honest about it. For us it is to bring the thrash metal roots back: guitar, bass, drums and vocals with attitude and sweat on the stage! 
We want the metal heads to enjoy the gigs along with us, to make them part of the show.

6. What kind of procedure do you follow when you compose songs? Do you have to be in a certain state of mind in order to perform the songs as you want?

Songs are being composed mainly by Iracundo (Guitars). He brings some riffs/ideas to the rehearsal room and the band starts jamming around them to add or modify some parts until the song is more or less completely sketched and then he records the song. Next he comes with some more ideas and starts the process again.
Once that music is almost defined, Reverend D. (bass) picks a title for the song and writes the lyrics. At the end if we feel comfortable with a song then it’s released, we also need to have fun playing it!

7. Which song or songs do you think are the most ideal to represent the whole album’s essence?

Oh man!  You are really trying to push us to choose a few when we like all of them… We have different tempos and feelings on most of the songs on the album: we have classic thrash, very fast songs, slow tempo ones, even one that reminds you of hair metal! So we’d leave to the metal heads to choose the one that they think represents the album better.

8. Which are your sources of inspiration when it comes to the lyrics? Which are the main topics you deal with?

That’s a pretty easy one! Anything related to pornography is inspiration for our lyrics.

9. Why do you wear masks? How important is appearance for you?

Appearance is the second most important thing to us, first is the music. We work to have a visual impact on the stage so we can get the audience’s attention first time as well the band can be easily recognized thanks to our wardrobe! So masks at this moment are part of the whole look, they fit the leather and spikes. The visual element is important but we don’t know if masks will be always part of the band, we are always challenging ourselves, trying to improve our image, so if you look at the first shows, we are now wearing some few new accessories.

10. Do you have any plans for live shows or even a tour?

YES! We are looking for live shows to promote our new album, not a complete tour, but getting gigs every now and then… If you know a promoter interested to get us to play in Greece, please let us know!!

11. Have you made any video clips? With YouTube I think videos have started becoming a necessity for bands again. How helpful is the Internet?

You’re absolutely right; having now new multimedia options, it’s almost an obligation to have videos on the web. We have done only one video clip:  “Childsodomy” and it’s been on YouTube a while. We are planning to do another one to support the new album.
Being an independent and DIY band it’s really hard to get resources to do everything we want as we want. The Internet is a big help to instantly distribute your material worldwide but you need to invest time and money to get noticed, because now metal fans around the world have tons of options at their fingertips, so the trick now is how to be easily found.

12. What kind of feedback have you received thus far? Can you mention a comment, be it positive or negative, serious or funny, that impressed you?

In most of the cases we have received positive feedback including some international bands that we have opened for (E.g. we became good friends of IMPIETY’s Shyaithan). Now, being part of the roster of Music Solutions Agency, it has opened new doors for us, our first album has been reviewed with a good and decent average score of 6.5.
For the most impressive comment we have ever received was at the end of the first show when were the opening band for CANNIBAL CORPSE, we closed our show playing THE MENTOR’s “Sandwich of Love” and we were walking down stairs crossing C.C.’s backstage area, Corpse Grinder approached us and said: “when you were playing it I was singing along song at the back stage, I always push these guys to play it but no luck”… If we had known that beforehand, for sure we’d invite him to sing it on stage with us!

13. What do you think people think and feel when they listen to THE MEATFUCKERS?

I hope people want to be in the mosh pit to scream and hit each other and let out all the aggression and frustration of everyday life.

14. By the way, how did you come up with such a strange and unique moniker?

We wanted an original band name not taken for any metal band, all the good names are gone, so we decided to stay out of the porno gore trends because we are not part of it. So we focused on two easy words to be remembered by the west which made sense to our musical concept, and in fact it makes some shocking impressions the first time, the whole name is about people who are in carnal urge, so came easy to us and describes very well our lyric concept and what you’re  gonna hear. 

15. How’s the metal scene in Mexico? How difficult is it for a band from over there to stand out?

The Mexican metal scene unfortunately is very fragmented plus there’s not really a metal music industry, there’s practically no infrastructure to support, grow and promote any band. So the only option is that each band takes care of themselves and has no time to support other bands… and it’s a pity since there’s a lot of talent in Mexico, there are good bands and excellent musicians.

16. Thank you! Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Thanks for your interest in THE MEATFUCKERS! We hope to find a promoter soon to take us to play to the almighty Greek metal fans! Visit our website or our Facebook site to have the latest news about the upcoming album. Greece: be prepared to be dominated by THE MEATFUCKERS!
Christine  Parastatidou

venerdì 20 settembre 2013

JOYLESS JOKERS - "Taste Of Victory" reviewed on Sicmaggot (CZ)

Joyless Jokers - Taste of Victory

12. září 2013 v 21:59 | Ježura |  Recenze
Říkají si Joyless Jokers, pocházejí z Itálie a zatím toho za sebou moc nemají. Od svého vzniku v roce 2006 totiž nahráli jen jedno EP (2010) a pak až loňskou řadovou fošnu "Taste of Victory", která je předmětem dnešní recenze. Stejně jako nad každou mladou kapelou se tedy i nad Joyless Jokers vznáší stín pochybnosti, jestli má co nabídnout. Čas strávený v přítomnosti "Taste of Victory" však tyhle pochybnosti celkem snadno rozmetal, protože není sporu o tom, že zrovna tahle banda si své místo na slunci určitě zaslouží.

Metalové anály hovoří o tom, že Joyless Jokers hrají melodický death metal, a tahle informace je v zásadě správná. Jen bych dodal, že v jejich podání jde o značně přímočarý melodeath, který navíc místy přesahuje do moderních a žánrově neurčitých vod, ve kterých se pohybují spolky typu Gojira a jim podobné. Tím nechci tvrdit, že by Joyless Jokers nahráli podobně inteligentní album jako třeba právě Gojira, ale jen to, že hudební výrazivo obou kapel je příbuzné. Z toho se dá odtušit, že to je docela nářez, a ono to tak vážně je. Deska sice prokládá čistokrevné rubanice melodičtějším materiálem, čímž naplňuje svůj melodic death metalový charakter, ale obecně vzato jde o rychlou a poměrně dost agresivní hudbu, která ani na chvíli nezpomalí. To je ale dost ošemetná záležitost, protože není třeba dlouhého přemýšlení, aby si člověk dal dvě a dvě dohromady a nepostihly ho obavy, jestli to brzy nezačne splývat a nebo hůř - obtěžovat. "Taste of Victory" je skutečně možná trochu jednotvárná záležitost, nicméně ono to ve výsledku vlastně ani nevadí, a to ze dvou důvodů. Prvním z nich je skutečnost, že ta muzika má dostatečný tah na branku na to, aby si dovedla udržet posluchačovu pozornost. Prakticky pořád se něco děje a chytře poskládaný instrumentál disponuje dostatkem přitažlivosti, aby to posluchače zkrátka a jednoduše bavilo. Neříkám, že jde o kdovíjak strhující záležitost, ale funguje to přinejmenším dostatečně. Druhý důvod je o poznání prozaičtější, ovšem co do důležitosti naprosto srovnatelný s prvním. Je jím velmi střízlivá délka alba; to se v přehrávači ohřeje jen něco málo přes půl hodiny a za rozhodnutí stopáž nechat na této hodnotě musím kapele vyseknout poklonu, protože v době, kdy se průměrná délka alba nezřídka kdy blíží dvojnásobným hodnotám, prokázali Joyless Jokers obdivuhodně střízlivý přístup, ze kterého ve výsledku jedině profitují. Vzhledem k charakteru hudby je třiatřicet minut přesně tak akorát vhodná doba, za kterou deska stíhá posluchače bavit, a ačkoli je to jen spekulace, řekl bych, že být "Taste of Victory" třeba o deset minut delší, zejména závěr už by byl asi dost těžkopádný. Toho se ale v současném stavu není třeba obávat, protože z řadového debutu Joyless Jokers se vyklubal svižný a koncentrovaný hudební počin, kterému ani na moment nechybí odpich.

A z čeho že je deska vlastně poskládaná? Většinu pozornosti na sebe nečekaně strhávají kytary. Pracuje se tu zejména s riffy, které ač nejsou vyloženě převratné, svojí kvalitu mají a místy dovedou velice příjemně potěšit. Kytary obecně nepostrádají solidní nápady, takže nejen že mají čím zaujmout, ale dokonce to stačí na obstojnou zábavu v celé délce alba. Především od kytar se rovněž odvíjí drive celého počinu, ačkoli tady jim velmi zdatně sekundují bicí. Bubeníkovy party v souladu s duchem celé nahrávky pěkně odsýpají a místy je to velice solidní palba, která k charakteru desky přispívá spíš určitou lehkostí, než aby posluchače zatloukala do židle. Co do kvantity dost omezenou, avšak v celkovém měřítku takřka nezastupitelnou roli pak hrají i klávesy. Ty se podílejí na melodických prvcích desky a v neposlední řadě dost přispívají k modernímu feelingu, jakým "Taste of Victory" disponuje. Klávesové rejstříky koketují spíše s lehce industriálním soundem, a pokud bych měl srovnávat se zavedenými spolky, klávesy Joyless Jokers se svým zvukem vzdáleně blíží spíš klasikům švédského melodeathu než třeba takovým finským melancholickým skoroklavírům. O žádné vykrádání nejde a stejně jako zbytek desky je i její klávesová složka příjemně svěží.

Hledám, co bych ještě dodal, ale nic moc mě nenapadá. Jistě, Joyless Jokers nenahráli žádné dech beroucí dílo a přehnané nadšení z "Taste of Victory" není příliš na místě. Musí se však nechat, že je to deska napsaná a nahraná na úrovni, prakticky netrpí žádnými dětskými chorobami tak typickými pro mladé kapely a nabízí něco přes půl hodiny velmi obstojné zábavy, na které neulpívá ani stín guilty pleasure a nad kterou není potřeba jakkoli přivírat oči. Mohl bych tu namítat, že Joyless Jokers nepřišli s ničím novým, ale proč bych to dělal, když dokázali známé postupy zpracovat tak, že to funguje... "Taste of Victory" se nebojím označit za vynikající debut a představa, že kapela do budoucna najde nějaký skutečně vlastní a jedinečný výraz, je vážně lákavá. Jestli se tak stane, můžeme se od mladých Italů dočkat ještě moc zajímavých věcí.

01. Rain - 03:40
02. Murder in Me - 04:44
03. Scream - 04:19
04. Point of No Return - 04:20
05. Whispers to Shadows - 04:00
06. Hopeless - 03:52
07. I'll Watch You Die - 04:17
08. Taste of Victory - 03:51

Hodnocení: 7/10

SIGNS PREYER - "S/T" recensiti su Tempi-Dispari (IT)

I Signs Preyer, al debutto con un disco che farà discutere

Signs Preyer - Artwork (Front)

Autore: Signs Preyer
Titolo: Signs Preyer
Etichetta: Red Cat Records
Anno: 2013

Se non fosse già stato utilizzato come nome, i Signs Preyer si sarebbero dovuti chiamare Roilling Stones. Non tanto per il genere, che con il gruppo di Jegger e soci per nulla concilia, ma per la sensazione che danno. Sonon un vero e proprio macigno sonoro. Mastodontici, pesanti, senza compromessi. Questo non significa riffing accelerati o violenza insensata. Significa la pesantezza dei Candelmass unita ad un certo gusto southern con spruzzate di stoner, non noise. Questo l’omonimo primo disco. Il gusto per un certo tipo di sound comunque oscuro si esplicita chiaramente in una ghost track (di cui non si svela la posizione). Un plauso va sicuramente al produttore della Bonsai Record che è riuscito a dare la giusta rilevanza al songwriting del gruppo. Il disco arriva dopo una intensissima stagione live che ha visto i nostri aprire per Pino Scotto nel
“Datevi fuoco tour” e “Buena Suerte”, Fuzz Fuzz Machine, Killing Touch, Lento, Trick or Treat
e molti altri gruppi di spicco del panorama rock metal italiano. Ma non solo. I SP hanno accompagnato anche Helmet, Lafaro, Paul Di Anno, e i Corrosion of conformity.
Il full lenght apre con Anger che subito mette le cose in chiaro. Intro arpeggiato e incalzare di batteria e chitarre fino all’apertura e ingresso a pieno ritmo. Suoni decisi e maestosi offrono ottimo supporto alla voce di Ghode Wielandt (Corrado Giuliano). Tecnicamente la band si presenta ben preparata a il mid tempo è un buon modo per poter offrire all’ascoltatore passaggi degni di nota come nel bridge dell’opening. Decisamente azzeccato anche il cambio di tecnica e metrica del cantato verso i ¾ della canzone che nonostante i superi i 4 minuti, non annoia.
Si prosegue con Bitch Witch. Il riferimento stilistico cambia lasciando spazio a riff più southern con un incedere incalzante sempre caratterizzati dai suoni pieni. Pochi fronzoli e quella sporcizia tipica del deserto accompagnano il brano nei solo e fino alla fine dove si note un’altra variazione.
Più “contemporanea” con riff e atmosfere più accessibili It Comes Back Real, terzo brano. Da sottolineare il grande lavoro delle due chitarre che costruiscono un tappeto intricato e mai banale ottimamente supportato dalla sezione ritmiche che non è da meno senza avvalersi di sfuriate di doppia cassa o suoni triggerati.
Si prosegue con Just to kill you dove viene in evidenza la forza di Viktor Kaj (Andrea
Vecchione Cardini) al basso. Plauso per i suoni scelti, decisamente azzeccati e circostanziati. Sorprendente l’accelerazione finale che rompe il ritmo cadenza fino a quale momento portato.
Risente di decise influenze grunge, Alice in chains per la precisione, la successiva Killer Intinct.
Dal riffin alla cadenza del cantato passando per i ritmi di batteria, i SP qui devono molto al gruppo di Jerry Cantrell. Il che non è necessariamente un male se l’omaggio è filtrato, come nello specifico, dalla personalità.
Di fattura decisamente più thrash la successiva Painless Pain dove ancora una volta si nota la perizia della sezione ritmica. I controtempo di James Mapo (Giacomo Alessandro) sono davvero pregevoli. Al gruppo non piace la noia e i cambi si tempo sono continui e repentini, ma sempre conseguenziali.
La ballad del disco apre con un refrain quasi free jazz per poi aprirsi in un arpeggio acustico di panteriana memoria. E i la band di Anselmo in questo frangente è il richiamo più immediato anche se non si tratta mai di plagio o mancanza di idee. Si tratta di semplici richiami stilistici.
Viaggia su terreni speed la seguente Hell, il brano più “veloce” del disco e uno dei più variegati con decisi cambi di atmosfere e tempi ma senza mai esagerare.
Conclude la decisa cavalcata metallica Signs Preyer, più hardrockeggiante e aperta ma sempre pesante. Apprezzabile la prova solistica delle due chitarre che si scambiano a solo e riff senza difficoltà.
Nel complesso un disco decisamente valido. Ottimamente suonato e prodotto. La band dimostra di avere la giusta dose di personalità per non perdersi nei propri riferimenti e non essere troppo derivativa (comunque si tratta del primo disco). Un eccellente punto di partenza per i giovani di Orvieto. Una band che ha molto da dire e di cui si sentirà ancora parlare.

  1. Anger
  2. Bitch Witch
  3. It comes back real
  4. Just to kill you
  5. Killer instinct
  6. Painless pain
  7. Dark soul
  8. Hell
  9. Signs Preyer
Line Up

Ghode Wielandt (Corrado Giuliano) Vocal/Guitar
Eric Dust (Enrico Pietrantozzi) Guitar
Viktor Kaj (Andrea Vecchione Cardini) Bass
James Mapo (Giacomo Alessandro) Drums

mercoledì 18 settembre 2013

JOYLESS JOKERS - "Taste Of Victory" reviewed on Dead Rhetoric Zine (USA)

ROSTER Music Solutions Agency su Radio Luce/Black Night!!

Signs Preyer "Signs Preyer", Faust "Wet Veils", Joyless Jokers "I'll Watch You Die, Perceverance "Cronos", Illogicist "A Never Ending Fall" - verranno trasmessi oggi su Black Night, programma Rock & Metal ascoltabile in streaming tutti i giorni dalle 15.00 alle 17.00 su - Grazie DJ BLACK PRIEST!! You Rock \m/

Per Info:

martedì 17 settembre 2013



Faust ospiti di Radio Scintilla
in diretta al programma del martedì sera
Heavy Metal Universe
condotto da Djmet & Den
ascoltabile in streaming su
17 settembre 2013 alle 20.30

giovedì-sabato alle 23.00

ALEISTER - guitars/vocals
EMI - bass
IZIO - guitars
STEVE DIGIORGIO - bass on the album "From Glory To Infinity"
DAREK 'DARAY' BRZOZOWSKI - drums on the album "From Glory To Infinity"

Per interagire con noi e con loro con domande o commenti ci trovate sul profilo facebook ufficiale della radio
oppure sulla pagina di HMU

Info e contatti:

JOYLESS JOKERS - "Taste Of Victory" reviewed on Mind Trapt (USA)

Joyless Jokers – Taste Of Victory (Review)

Joyless Jokers - Taste of VictoryJoyless Jokers – Taste of Victory (2012)

Score: 8.3 / 10

Joyless Jokers is an Italian melodic death metal band founded in 2008. Being the first time I have heard this group I was hit with a perfect mesh of old school death metal fused with modern death metal standards.
The first few songs seem to have a Malevolent Creation/ general old school death metal feel to them, and through out the entire album you can hear melodic and symphonic influences ranging from bands like The Black Dahlia and Unanimated to Dimmu Borgir, while still having the new school trademark sound to it.
The songs are structured well and tight, nothing sloppy done by these guys, nothing that seems like it was thrown together just to get the album done and out. Most importantly, everyone in the band seems to be on the same page. The vocals are petty refreshing, ranging from mid lows- to mids- to highs. Not the same, over done guttural lows, screeches and inhale screams that so many bands of today are known for.
If I had to pick one, the stand out track would be Murder In Me – Simply put, it’s badass and in your face.  These guys have a formula that’s working and it’s awesome that they aren’t going the same route that so many bands today seem to do – producing the same riffs and breakdowns over and over. I can’t wait to see what this band does in the future, they are definitely going to be a force in the metal world. Please support these guys by purchasing their album, or giving them a listen on Spotify.

giovedì 12 settembre 2013

CHAOS PLAGUE - "S/T" reviewed on Hard Rock Info (Swe)


Technical American death metal.
This self-produced 3-track EP was released in 2012, but I haven't got it until now. It might not be my favorite style when it comes to death metal, but it's o.k. anyway. I think people who like technical and/or American death metal can give this band a chance at least. After all, my opinion isn't exactly the law.   2013-09-08 14:33:30

sabato 7 settembre 2013

SIGNS PREYER - "Signs Preyer" reviewed on JP's Music Blog (USA)


CD Review: Signs Preyer Represent New Metal From Italy With Debut Album

European metal band Signs Preyer recently released their hard hitting, self-titled debut album. After forming in 2006, the band entered the studio after two years of touring to create their demo which would help the band sign with Red Cat Records. After two more years of opening for bands like Helmet, Corrosion For Conformity and original Iron Maiden lead singer Paul Di'Anno, Signs Preyer entered the studio in 2011 to put together their latest album.
The nine-song album begins with "Anger" as the band brings in different elements of thrash, doom and progressive metal to create something new and innovative. The evilness of "Just To Kill You" has a great metal groove, while "Killer Instinct" has a classic feel to song's aggressive tone. The album gets dark and moody with "Dark Soul," before closing the album with the mainstream metal of "Signs Preyer" and the hidden bonus sound experiment.
Signs Preyer have one show scheduled at the moment in Rome, Italy for this Friday, September 6th. The band will be entering the studio soon to record their follow-up album. For more information, check out the band's Facebook page at